
Name of token for filesafe
Name of token for filesafe

name of token for filesafe

You may customize these rules using the Password::validator method, which accepts a Closure. Password Validationīy default, the Password::reset method will verify that the passwords match and are >= six characters. If the password reset fails, the user will be redirect back to the reset form, and an error message will be flashed to the session. Again, you are free to change this redirect URL. If the password is successfully reset, the user will be redirected to the root of your application. Of course, this Closure is assuming your User model is an Eloquent model however, you are free to change this Closure as needed to be compatible with your application's database storage system.

name of token for filesafe

In this controller action, the Closure passed to the Password::reset method sets the password attribute on the User and calls the save method. The Laravel Hash class provides secure Bcrypt hashing: Hashing A Password Using Bcryptįinally, the postReset method is responsible for actually changing the password in storage. This can be done by using $table->rememberToken() in a migration. This column will be used to store a token for "remember me" sessions being maintained by your application. Note: Before getting started, make sure that your users (or equivalent) table contains a nullable, string remember_token column of 100 characters.

Name of token for filesafe driver#

If your application is not using Eloquent, you may use the database authentication driver which uses the Laravel query builder. Please remember when building the Schema for this Model to ensure that the password field is a minimum of 60 characters. The authentication configuration file is located at app/config/auth.php, which contains several well documented options for tweaking the behavior of the authentication facilities.īy default, Laravel includes a User model in your app/models directory which may be used with the default Eloquent authentication driver. In fact, almost everything is configured for you out of the box. Laravel aims to make implementing authentication very simple.

Name of token for filesafe